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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Our Vision and It's birth

“To raise an Army of Disciples of Jesus Christ who are life givers, fully consecrated to Jesus Christ, coming from different backgrounds and with different history, interconnected by the spirit of family, restored , trained, equipped, and sent , who have resolved to make known Jesus Christ as Lord and King in their lives, families and in all Nations in this generation”…
In the aftermath of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda was looking like the valley of dry bones that Ezekiel saw in the vision(Ezekiel 37:1-10) which became a vast Army by the power of the word and the Spirit of the Jesus Christ. It is in the same line, God clearly asked Apostle Yoshua N. Masasu to start a church which will be a Family Church where everyone will find a father, mother, sister, brother whom they lost at some point. The dry and broken hearts would be restored to restore, equipped, trained and prepared to be a vast Army of life giving disciples totally consecrated to Jesus Christ.

Right after the Genocide (1994), God commanded me to organize a mission trip to Rwanda and I was joined by a-6 people team from Jerusalem Ministry to fulfill the mission which included a special message destined to the new authorities in Kigali.

On our way to Kigali God reminded me the words he had told me ten years earlier and confirmed that time of a great work among his people and nations starting from Rwanda has come. At that time, Rwanda was looking like the valley of dry bones Ezechiel saw in the vision which became a vast Army by the Power of The Word and the Spirit of the Lord.

God clearly asked us to start a new work which would be a Family Church where everyone would find a father, a mother, a sister and brother and where dried broken hearts would be restored and equipped. The ultimate vision was to bring restoration in the World where there is spiritual, emotional and physical death and dryness.