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4th Septennium Celebration Speaker

Bishop Stanys MOLIKI

From South Africa

Pastor Stanys Moliki is the founder and leading shepherd of World Restoration Church in Polokwame South Africa, an apostolic and church planting movement with churches in the continent of Africa and looking forward to going beyond the continent. He is a G‘s regional coordinator of the Limpopo Province in South Africa. He is the representative for the Congregational Holiness Church in Southern Africa. He studied Medecine (University of Lubumbashi DRC), Restorative justice (Kingston University, Canada) Leadership (Haggai Institute, Singapore), Practical Theology (University of Pretoria, South Africa) and Apostolic Leadership Development (BILD, USA).
Over the past years to date, he has undertaken the following activities: Lecturer in Light of the Nations Bible College in South Africa, overseeing of churches, leadership training of pastors and leaders, raising up leaders and planting churches, committed to soul winning and making disciples. Pastor Stanys is married to Mary and together they have three sons Ephrah, Shekinah and Joy.